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Homework Help for World History

In which country did the revolution if 1848 that led to a series of revolutions begin?

The Vijayanagara ruler, Kirshnadev Raya's work Amuktamalyada, was in?

The earliest available work of the Sangam Tamils is— (A) Pattinappalai (B) Tirumurugarruppadai (C) Maduraikanchi (D) Tolkappiyam

Who was the first ambassador of the East India Company, who came to India and stayed in Jahangir's court?

Yesterday, December 7, 1941—a date that will live in infamy. . . . President Franklin Roosevelt, December 8, 1941 What was President Roosevelt referring to in his speech?

Who was the first Portuguese governor in India and viceroy of the Portuguese State of India?

Which once and future Prime Minister lost the 1874 election after it became known that he offered bribes during the construction of the transcontinental railway?

Describe Hester's grave in the (The Scarlet Letter)

In which naval battle did Rome decisively defeat the forces of Antony and Cleopatra?

Who wrote the novel Cry, the Beloved Country about South Africa?

The first communist manifesto was issued in ____________year

What was the title of the ruler of Athens for most of the 14th century?What was the title of the ruler of Athens for most of the 14th century?

The Golden Age of Athens is also known as the Age of who?

What are the key initial interpretations of the epic poem, Gilgamesh ? What are some of the main themes in this work?

What year was Shergar, the 1981 Derby winner, kidnapped?

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