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Martin Luther King, Jr., observed that President Johnson's desire to end poverty and provide economic opportunity for all Americans was "shot down on the battlefields of Vietnam." Do you agree with King's statement? Why or why not?

Many emerging human infectious diseases developing in our world are zoonotic in origin. These infections carry unique response requirements because public health authorities must respond to both the animal and human population requirements. Take a look at Bioterrorism with Zoonotic Disease: Public Health Preparedness Lessons from a Multiagency Exercise by Jackson & Buehler, et al. and Davies' Securitizing Infectious Disease. What lessons does this local exercise provide for a national security policy development? Given the limited resources to respond to an event how can local public health officials contribute to this national policy development? (prompt written by Denise Baken PhD)

Figure 2.11 shows bathymetric maps of parts of the Mid-Atlantic ridge and East Pacific Rise at the same scale. We have learned that the depth of the sea floor depends on the age of its lithosphere. The lithosphere near the ridge axis is thin, still hot, and therefore has a relatively low density. As a result, it floats relatively high on the underlying asthenosphere. As the plate moves away from the ridge, the lithosphere cools and thickens, becoming denser. It therefore sinks and the ocean is deeper over the older rocks than over the ridge crest and nearby rocks. EXERCISE 2.7 — A TALE OF TWO RIDGES a. Ocean ridges typically have a rift valley at their axes. Which of the two ridges in Figure 2.11 has the best developed rift valley? b. Keeping in mind the age vs. depth relationship, why is the belt of shallow sea wider over the East Pacific Rise than over the Mid-Atlantic Ridge? c. On the graph provided, plot depth (on the vertical axis) against distance from the ridge axis (on the horizontal axis), for both the East Pacific Rise, and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Use 5-10 points for each ridge. Connect the dots for EPR with red pencil, and those for the MAR with green pencil to make cross sections of each ridge. d. Does the rate at which the depth with distance from the ridge stay the same over time, decrease over time, or increase over time?

Ch09 Ethical Considerations, p.320... Ch10 Foreign Trade Barriers, p.353... Ch14 Questions & Case Problems #03, p.495... PLS ANSWER ALL THE QUESTIONS GIVING CLEAR EXPLANATIONS, STEP BY STEP. ALSO EXPLAIN YOUR LOGIC AND THE CONCEPT. THANK YOU.

1. Chinese religion is built upon four basic foundation blocks. Understanding these and how they relate is vital to properly understand Chinese religion! What are those four ideas, and how would you summarize each in your own words? How do these ideas fit into Daoism and Confucianism? What is your general reaction to these four ideas, and which one do you find most intriguing? 2. Confucius lived during a time of great social upheaval and disorder. Much of his teaching is a response to that situation. Please respond to the following: What were the two ideals held by Confucius and what did he see as the key to their fulfillment? How would you summarize the sources of human excellence according to Confucius? What is your response to these Confucian values? 3. As the text points out, in Confucian thinking to a great extent, human being are their relationships. Yet not all relationships are equal, so Confucianism has a hierarchy known as The Five Great Relationships. What is your response to how the relationships are ranked in importance? How do you react to the idea that following these leads to social harmony? What do you think about the Confucian idea of seeing each other strongly in terms of relationships and social roles rather than individuals? 4. Daoism has one book which is considered by most to be a central scripture for their religion, which is discussed in the text reading. What are the two names for the book? What concept is often referenced in this book, and how would you attempt to describe this concept? Do you like/dislike, agree/disagree with the kind of thinking found in this concept? 5. Reading your reactions to the kind of thinking found in the Daodejing has been enjoyable! Let's consider the main teachings of Daoism from the Daodejing and the Zhuangzi. Please respond to the following: What are the four main teachings, and how would you describe each of them in your own words? How do you respond to the teachings, and why? 6. A passage found in the Daodejing declares: "The softest things in this world May be harder than the hardest Soft water can wear away the hardest rock; Soft water can go through the strongest calm. Knowing this, I know the value of calm. Knowing this, I know the value of patience. Knowing this, I know the value of persistence." What might be examples of "soft" and "hard" things? Can you recall an example in your own life which illustrates this passage? Do you see American culture as more "hard" or "soft", and why?

Please help me to correct the grammar and vocabularies to make it as an academic final paper. Thanks!"

1. Write an essay on the influence of the geographic environment on the origin and development of civilization in Mesopotamia and Egypt. How were these environments similar and how were they different? What limitations and opportunities did these environments offer to the inhabitants living in them? What elements of these civilizations seem to be pre-determined by their respective geographical settings? 2. The zeitgeist of the ancient Mesopotamian civilizations has been described as fatalistic, pessimistic, and gloomy. Support this assessment by citing examples from your assigned readings in Early Western Civilization Source Readings and the class lectures. To what geographical factors can this attitude be attributed? 3. "When the gods created mankind, death for mankind they set aside, life in their own hands retaining." How does this quotation from The Epic of Gilgamesh (Source Readings, p. 5) reflect the Zeitgeist of Mesopotamian civilization? Cite some examples from other source readings to support your arguments. MIDTERM STUDY QUESTIONS: HISTORY 1A - 2 - 4. At the beginning of Egyptian history, only the Pharaoh, due to his special relationship to the gods, could hope to attain immortality beyond the grave. However, by the time of the New Kingdom even the "common people" could hope to achieve an afterlife. Trace and explain this "democratization" of the next world. Cite examples from the assigned readings and lectures to support arguments. 5. Compare and contrast the constitutions of Sparta and Athens. Briefly discuss the underlying cultural and social elements that produced these constitu-tions. What were the shortcomings and the benefits of each system? 6. It has been said that one of the key contributions of the ancient Greeks to Western Civilization was the development of the "secular point of view." What is meant by this phrase and why is this contribution so significant? Support you arguments with material from your reading assignments in Early Western Civilization Source Readings. 7. You have read five biographies by Plutarch (Source Readings, pp. 154-237) of important historical figures in ancient Greek history. Choose one of these biographies and demonstrate why Plutarch believed this person to be historically important. Evaluate Plutarch's point of view. 8. You have read excerpts from the histories Herodotus and Thucydides in Early Western Civilization Source Readings (pp. 112-153). Which of these historians do you think is the most "modern" in his approach to his subject matter? Support your conclusion with specific examples from texts. 9. Discuss the causes and results of the Peloponnesian War. Why is this war so important to the history of ancient Greece? Support your conclusions with specific historical evidence. 10. Describe the essential differences between the Hellenic (Classical) and the Hellenistic ages. How did these differences affect the every-day lives of the people? How were the differences reflected in the art, literature, and philosophy of the two periods?

: Intercultural Communication in the Workplace Paper This assignment asks you to describe, explain, and rectify a situation that illustrates an intercultural communication issue within a work environment. The paper should include the following: o A full description of the communication issue: Describe the context, the principle players, and the outcome of the situation. Be attentive to verbal and nonverbal components in the experience you describe. o A diagnosis of the communication issue: Using two outside sources, research the cultural norms of the principles players involved in the given situation. Explain how these cultural norms may have impacted the communication transaction. o Strategies for dealing with the issue: Using your text, provide several recommendations that would have prevented the issue and paved the way for more effective communication. • Write a 1,050-to 1,400-word paper. Your final paper must include at least two sources—other than the class text—cited properly in the text and with proper reference listings at the end of your paper. Paper must be in APA format.

Hello, I need help with a 250 word short essay in the field of music. There are two readings and a webpage for this short essay. Here is the link of the webpage: Attached are the two readings and the prompt for the essay.

1. In 2004, The U.S. Congress labeled the situation in Darfur, a province of Sudan, _____. A) a tragedy B) genocide C) a holocaust D) unfortunate E) irremediable 2. The National Security Council (NSC) is A) an advisory body to the president on foreign policy matters. B) under the functional control of the State Department. C) a standing committee of the House and the Senate. D) an advisory body to the Joint Chiefs of Staff. E) a private research council that provides analysis of world events. 3. ______ is a joint federal-state program designed to subsidize health care costs for the poor. A) Medicare B) Medicaid C) Social Security D) Medivac E) Blue Cross 4. The main driver of growth in health-care spending from 1975 to 2005 was A) the increase in malpractice suits against doctors, who passed on the cost of malpractice insurance to patients. B) the inefficient bureaucratic structure of hospitals. C) new medical technologies and services. D) a scarcity of doctors which allowed the doctors who were practicing to charge more for care. E) the dramatic increase in drug company advertisements which has created a "culture of sickness" in the United States. 5. Fiscal policy is A) using changes in the amount of money in circulation to affect overall business activity. B) using changes in the amount of taxes and government expenditures to affect business activity. C) using changes in interest rates to affect business activity. D) under the control of the Federal Reserve System. E) an area that is controlled exclusively by the President of the United States, according to Article II of the Constitution. 6. In 2002, during the boom in the housing market, mortgage originators increasingly approved loan applications from individuals who had unstable incomes, low incomes, or no incomes at all because A) privacy protections enacted by Congress had made it nearly impossible to determine an individual's actual income. B) their conviction that every American should own a home blinded them to the risks of lending to unqualified individuals. C) they knew they could sell the risky mortgages to someone else. D) Internet application forms made it possible for individuals to falsely inflate their incomes. E) mortgage originators were forced by banks to meet impossibly high sales quotas. 7. Monetary policy may have limited power to end a recession because A) the amount of income tax collected by the government goes down in a recession. B) if interest rates go high enough, people will stop borrowing. C) monetary policy is less effective than fiscal policy generally. D) people will change their behavior to avoid high tax rates. E) people may be unwilling to borrow even if interest rates fall to zero. 8. The Department of Defense A) is larger than any other federal department. B) was created during the administration of George Washington. C) was formed in 1978 through an executive order. D) is run by the secretary of defense who is always an admiral or general. E) has primary authority over foreign affairs. 9. The number of members each state will have in the Electoral College A) cannot exceed fifty members. B) cannot be changed without a Constitutional amendment. C) changes every four years. D) is determined by the number of senators and representatives a state has in Congress. E) is identical so that each state plays an equal role in selecting the president. 10. A statewide election of delegates to a political party's national convention to help a party determine its presidential nominee is A) a general election. B) a presidential primary. C) a delegate selection caucus. D) the Electoral College. E) a preliminary explorative endeavor. 11. By _____, if not before, the economy of China is expected to be larger than that of the United States. A) 2010 B) 2020 C) 2030 D) 2040 E) 2050 12. In most states, you are not eligible to vote if you A) were not born in that state. B) have not lived in the state for at least a year. C) are not employed in the state. D) do not register before the closing date. E) do not have a state driver's license or identification card. 13. The Financial Stability Oversight Board is an example of an agency created to provide _____, in this case for the TARP program. A) agenda building B) policy adoption C) policy formulation D) policy implementation E) policy evaluation 14. Domestic policy A) is limited to policies that affect major economic variables. B) can be defined as all policies that affect housing. C) can be defined as all the laws, government planning, and government actions that concern internal issues of national importance. D) is limited to matters relating to law enforcement. E) relates to the activities of the government in its relations with foreign countries. 15. Foreign policy is A) a nation's external goals and the techniques and strategies used to achieve them. B) the formal agreements that are approved by the World Court. C) interactions with other countries that are not related to economics. D) the treaties that are ratified by the Senate. E) the manner in which the armed forces are deployed. 16. _____ is a subset of national security policy concerning the U.S. armed forces. A) Technical assistance B) Economic Aid C) Defense policy D) Foreign policy process E) Containment 17. A policy of abstaining from an active role in international affairs or alliances, which characterized U.S. foreign policy toward Europe during most of the 1800s, is A) containment policy. B) détente. C) internationalist foreign policy. D) isolationist foreign policy. E) Washingtonian foreign policy. 18. Voter turnout for Congressional elections is influenced most greatly by A) the state of the economy. B) the type of ballot used. C) the weather on the day of the vote. D) how easy it is to pronounce the candidates' names. E) whether there is a presidential election in the same year. 19. A majority of the population of Iraq is A) Sunni Arab. B) Kurdish C) Shiite Arab. D) Turkoman E) Baathist 20. The purpose of introducing the primary as a means of nominating candidates for office was to A) strengthen control by party leaders in the selection of the best-qualified candidates. B) help the Republican Party win more elections. C) limit financial contributions to minor party candidates. D) open the nomination process to ordinary party members and to weaken the influence of party bosses. E) ensure the winning candidate was electable. 21. Recent estimates have put the number of illegal immigrants living in the U.S. at about A) 2 million. B) 6 million. C) 12 million. D) 18 million. E) 22 million. 22. Today's dollar is worth about how much relative to a dollar of a century ago? A) a penny B) a nickel C) about the same value D) twice as much E) five times as much 23. With the exception of race, ______ is the most important determinant of voting behavior in national elections. A) party affiliation B) economic status C) religion D) education E) geographic region 24. All of the following nations are known to possess nuclear weapons capabilities except A) India B) China C) Pakistan D) North Korea E) Afghanistan 25. A _____ is a meeting of party members designed to select candidates and propose policies. A) direct primary B) indirect primary C) caucus D) closed primary E) open primary 26. Sunnis and Shiites A) are two major ethnic groups in Iraq who speak different languages. B) are two branches of the religion of Islam with somewhat different beliefs and traditions. C) were opponents and supporters, respectively, of Saddam Hussein. D) are two political parties in the Arab world. E) are the names of two refugee camps that were destroyed by Israel. 27. The State Department is A) directly responsible to Congress. B) not involved in short-term foreign policy. C) the executive agency that has primary authority over foreign affairs. D) responsible for making foreign policy, not the president. E) one of the largest cabinet departments. 28. The value of all final goods and services produced in a year is the A) balance of trade. B) current account balance. C) gross domestic product. D) gross national product. E) national product. 29. Recessions A) have political advantages for a sitting president. B) take place when the economy grows more than usual. C) take place when the economy suffers a severe slowdown. D) are no longer a problem in our modern economy. E) are associated with periods of inflation. 30. Campaigns, which used to center on political parties, now center on A) candidates B) specific issues. C) entertainment value. D) regional preferences. E) international approval. 31. Soft money A) refers to contributions made directly to candidates for political office. B) refers to money that will be spent on elections. C) refers to campaign contributions unregulated by state or federal law, usually given to parties. D) cannot be used for voter registration. E) can be used only by candidates who sign a written pledge to obey the law. 32. Diplomacy is A) a title given to senior members of the State Department B) a philosophy that sees nations as normally willing to cooperate. C) formal public meetings held by heads of government. D) the settling of disputes and conflicts among nations by peaceful means. E) the manner in which the armed forces are deployed. 33. The U.S. imports about _____ of the oil it consumes. A) one tenth B) one third C) one half D) three fifths E) three quarters 34. Foreign and domestic policy designed to protect the nation's independence and political and economic integrity is A) foreign policy. B) détente C) national security policy. D) political realism. E) diplomacy 35. In 1973, Congress passed the War Powers Resolution, which A) required congressional approval before the president could dismiss the Secretary of Defense. B) limited the president's use of troops in military action without congressional approval. C) extended the president's power over the military. D) was necessary because of the increased threat of nuclear war. E) allowed the president to declare an unlimited national emergency. 36. In 2002, President George W. Bush enunciated a new foreign policy doctrine that held, in part, that A) the United States would go to war with any country that attacks it. B) Islamists would not be allowed to take power in any additional nations. C) America would leave the United Nations if that body did not support its military initiatives. D) the United States would no longer participate in the World Trade Organization or in the World Bank. E) the United States was prepared to wage preemptive war against perceived threats with or without allies. 37. The organizations that came to be known as "527s" A) have been ruled by the Supreme Court to be unprotected by the First Amendment. B) have been outlawed under regulations issued by the Federal Election Commission. C) are required to be created by the final section of the Campaign Finance Reform Act. D) offer an alternative for interest groups to use money to influence the course of elections by encouraging voter registration and running issue ads to energize supporters. E) are allowed to run issue ads but are precluded from mentioning particular candidates. 38. In the years following the adoption of the Constitution, many states placed legal restrictions on the right to vote because of the A) belief that voters should own property since many government decisions affect property.. B) belief in the South that if poor whites could vote, they might abolish slavery. C) belief that woman's suffrage would injure the traditional family. D) fear of an aristocratic form of government. E) fear of the voting power of recent immigrants. 39. A small group of individuals who are led in discussion by a professional consultant to gather opinions on, and responses to, candidates and issues is a A) tracking poll. B) quota poll. C) focus group. D) random sample. E) push poll. 40. The U.S. policy that stated that European nations must not establish new colonies in the western hemisphere or intervene in the affairs of the western hemisphere is known as the A) Bush Doctrine. B) Marshall Doctrine. C) Monroe Doctrine. D) Powell Doctrine. E) Truman Doctrine. 41. The policymaking process includes all of the following EXCEPT A) agenda building. B) policy formulation. C) policy adjustment. D) policy adoption. E) policy evaluation. 42. Inflation refers to a sustained rise in the A) stock market. B) general price level of goods and services. C) money supply. D) interest rates charged by banks. E) salaries of members of government. 43. _____ have overtaken _____ as the nation's largest minority. A) African Americans; Hispanics B) African Americans; Asians C) Asians; Hispanics D) Hispanics; African Americans E) Hispanics; Asians 44. In order to win in American politics today, candidates seek to capture A) only the votes of their party's supporters, since the votes of independents are largely irrelevant. B) all of the votes of their party's supporters, as well as those of all of the independent voters and all of the voters from the other party. C) a majority of their party's supporters, some of the independent voters and a few votes from supporters of the other party. D) some of their party's supporters, most of the independent voters and a few votes from supporters of the other party. E) all of the votes of their party's supporters, a majority of the independent voters and a few votes from supporters of the other party. 45. Until recently, women were generally considered to be appropriate candidates A) only for the Democratic Party. B) when fundraising was not an issue in the campaign. C) primarily when women's and family issues took center stage. D) when the district was primarily composed of minorities. E) only for lower-level offices, such as state legislator or school board member. 46. In cases where no presidential candidate receives a majority of the electoral college vote, A) the current president serves two more years, at which time there is another general election. B) the candidate who receives a plurality of the popular vote is elected. C) the electors cast a second ballot to determine who will be elected. D) Congress is required to call a second presidential election. E) the election is decided in the U.S. House of Representatives. 47. Policy implementation is A) concerned with the carrying out of policies by bureaucrats, the courts, police, and individual citizens. B) the process of getting the media aware of the issue. C) the discussion of proposals by governmental officials and the public. D) concerned with a specific strategy for the proposal. E) when studies are conducted to see what happens after a policy is implemented. 48. African Americans and most Asian American groups tend to A) vote for a third-party. B) vote Democratic. C) vote Republican. D) fail to vote. E) commit voter fraud. 49. The Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT I) was agreed to in 1972 in order to A) stabilize the nuclear arms competition between the United States and the Soviet Union. B) contain expansive Russian tendencies. C) create the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). D) normalize relations in the Middle East. E) limit Communist power within its existing borders. 50. Political realism is a philosophy that A) sees nations as normally willing to cooperate and agree on moral standards for conduct. B) mandates noninterference with the internal policies of sovereign nations. C) supports steps to establish a single world government. D) sees each nation as acting principally in its own interest. E) contends that spreading Christianity ought to be a major goal of U.S. foreign policy.

Week 3 Discussion 1 Background: When the First World War ended, Americans welcomed what they hoped would be a "return to normalcy." The decades that followed, however, are ones which would rarely be described as normal in comparison to what came before or after. During these decades, a struggle ensued within the American nation regarding how best to define the nation's essential character, as groups like the revived Ku Klux Klan fought a rearguard action to define nationhood solely in terms of white skin and Protestant religion against secularists, Catholics, flappers, "New Negroes," and others who challenged the traditional order. Immediately thereafter, the New Deal implemented in response to the Great Depression revolutionized the role of the federal government in lives of the American people, in ways that many Americans believed violated the basic tenets of the Constitution—and others believed were not radical enough. Taken together, the decades from 1920 to 1940 may have transformed the American nation more than any other comparable time period. Resources: When responding to these questions, draw material from ONE of the following videos: a. Hogan, H. (Writer). (2003). The great depression. [Television series episode]. In R. Hawksworth (Executive producer), America in the 20th Century. New York, NY: Films for the Humanities & Sciences. Retrieved from b. Hogan, H. (Writer). (2003). The roaring twenties [Television series episode]. In R. Hawksworth (Executive producer), America in the 20th Century. New York, NY: Films for the Humanities & Sciences. Retrieved from c. Stone, R. (Writer & Director). (2009). The civilian conservation corps [Television series episode]. In M. Samels (Executive producer), The 1930s. Boston, MA: WGBH Educational Foundation. Retrieved from Also, draw from the material in AT LEAST TWO of the following primary sources: a. Bliven, B. (1925, Sept. 9). Flapper Jane. Retrieved from b. Forquignon. (1932). Bonus army marches on Washington, DC 1932 [Video]. Retrieved from c. Hartt, R. L. (1921, Jan. 15). "The new Negro": "When he's hit, he hits back!". Independent. Retrieved from d. Long, H. (1934, Feb. 23). Share our wealth speech. Retrieved from e. Marshall, C. C. (1927, April). An open letter to the honorable Alfred E. Smith. Atlantic Monthly, 139, 540-544, 548-549. Retrieved from f. Martin, T. T. (1923). Hell and high schools. Atlantic Monthly, 139, 540-544, 548-549. Retrieved from g. McDougald, E. J. (1925). The double task of Negro womanhood.In A. Locke (Ed.), The New Negro: An Interpretation. Retrieved from h. Roosevelt, F. D. (1933, May 7). Address of the President delivered by radio from the White House. Retrieved from i. Shafter, L. H. (1938). I'd rather not be on relief. Retrieved from j. The New Deal Network. (2003). TVA: Electricity for all. [Interactive Exhibit]. Retrieved from Instructions: Review the major social and economic developments in American society during the 1920s and 1930s. After reviewing your Instructor's Guidance and completing the weekly reading assignments (including those in the resource section below), please post a substantive discussion post of at least 200 words that compares and contrasts the decades of the 1920's with the 1930s using the following questions as the basis of your analysis: • How did American society change in the two decades after the First World War? • How did the federal government change in response to those changes? • How did the American people respond to the changing role of the federal government? • How did the New Deal change over time and what alternatives were offered to it? • Which groups benefited or suffered most from these changes? • Should this period be regarded as having represented a revolutionary moment in American history? Along with the general discussion, address developments across these two decades related to AT LEAST ONE of the following groups: • Evangelical Protestants • Farmers • African Americans • Women • Business owners • The middle class Your initial post should be at least 200 words in length. Support your claims with examples from the required material(s) and properly cite any references. You may use additional scholarly sources to support your points if you choose. Respond to at least two of your classmates' posts by Day 7 in at least 100 words. When responding to classmates, you should refer to the material from one of the sources which you did not reference in your initial post.

Journal Reflection: Israel's religious stories, cult, temple, priesthood, laws, and kingship have extensive detailed parallels with non-Israelite religions in Canaan, Egypt, and elsewhere in the ancient Near East. How much influence did these early religious traditions have on the formation of Judaism and later on Christianity and Islam? How are religious laws (code) and rituals (cult) operative in the religious tradition you are most familiar with? Do they, too, partly serve to draw boundaries and foster group identity? Some have criticized Judaism's concept of Jews being God's chosen people. Why do you think some might criticize this idea? Do you think the criticisms are valid or not? How are the stories of the Hebrews understood by contemporary Jews? The content of the Hebrew Bible forms the foundation for three major Western religions—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Stories of creation, the great flood, Abraham, Moses, and the prophets fill the pages along with prayers and poetry. So how do these texts remain relevant in the twenty-first century? In the Jewish tradition, how is scripture read and interpreted? How do rituals and worship reflect the creed and code of ethics of modern Jews?

Please help me for the following quize Geography 151 Kapi'olani Community College Self-Quiz Chapter 12 1. True/False A group would be completely unsegregated if its members are uniformly distributed relative to the remainder of the population. 2. True/False A ghetto results from voluntary as opposed to involuntary or discriminatory segregation. 3. True/False The Protestant population of Northern Ireland is indigenous to the land, having settled there before the Irish Catholics. 4. True/False A declining segregation index over time indicates spatial convergence of two ethnic groups. 5. True/False If two groups become more segregated over time, it is called spatial divergence. 6. True/False The color Protestants in Ireland use as their symbol is orange. 7. True/False The "Troubles" in Northern Ireland continue to elude political settlement. 8. True/False The British in Northern Ireland are mainly Protestant. 9. True/False The Catholics in Northern Ireland outnumber the Protestants. 10. True/False The reason why Ulster came to have a large Protestant population is because the Irish people there converted to Protestantism. 11. A segregation index of 20 means that: a. 20 people would need to relocate in order to achieve total integration b. the population is totally segregated c. the population is totally integrated d. 20 percent of the population would need to relocate to achieve complete integration e. 80 percent of the population would need to relocate to achieve complete integration 12. Which of the following statements accurately describes the growth rates of Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland today? a. Catholics represent a clear majority of the population b. Catholic birth rates are higher than Protestants c. Catholics are outmigrating faster than Protestants d. the Catholic population is declining 13. What has happened to the segregation index of Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland? a. it has increased b. it has decreased c. it has remained constant d. it has followed a U-shaped path 14. Northern Ireland is: a. part of the Irish Republic b. an independent country c. part of the United Kingdom d. a colony of the United Kingdom 15. The residential mixing of subgroups within the larger population is known as a. segregation b. integration c. ghettoization d. plantation 16. Residential clusters that result from voluntary segregation are known as: a. ghettos b. integrated neighborhoods c. enclaves d. plantations 17. A tenant farmer is: a. a farmer who rents land to farm b. a farmer who pays the rent for their land as a share of their crop c. a farmer who owns his land d. a migrant farmer from another country 18. Social distance is: a. a numerical measure of the mileage separating the weighted centers of two ethnic clusters b. the residential mixing of subgroups within the larger population c. a numerical measure of the degree of separation of two or more distinct groups d. a measure of the likelihood that dissimilar groups will interact in society 19. Apartheid was a policy of segregation in: a. Ireland b. the United Kingdom c. Yugoslavia d. South Africa e. the United States 20. Essay to think about: Is the British occupation and continuing control of Northern Ireland a good example of irrendentism? Why or why not?

Has your understanding of family violence changed in some ways? (please see the article attached for reference)

After reading the materials presented by Dr. Cipolla, has your understanding of family violence changed in some ways?

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