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Homework Help for Econometrics

In the history of econometrics, who was the first known use of the term "econometrics" when still was in cognitive form ?

Who was the chief architect of Green Revolution that significantly improved the agricultural yield

Negative residual autocorrelation is indicated by which one of the following? a) A cyclical pattern in the residuals b) An alternating pattern in the residuals c) A complete randomness in the residuals d) Residuals that are all close to zero

what are the main limitations of unit root test as a test for stationarity?

Given the model Yi = B0 + B1X11 + B2X21 + B3X31 +Ui, where you know that E[ui[X]] = 0, imagine that you estimat instead the "incomplete" model Yi = B0 + B1X11 + u*i. Under what conditions eill the OLS estimator of B1 be inconsistent?

Assume that you know the following cost information about Fred's widget company: Its fixed cost is $9, and its total variable cost is $6 for 1 unit; $11 for 2; $ 15 for 3; 20 for 4; and 26 for 5. Given the above information, a. the marginal cost of the third unit is greater than the marginal cost of the first unit. b. the marginal cost of the fourth unit is the same as the marginal cost of the second unit. c. the average variable cost of four units is the same as for three units. d. both (b) and (c) are correct.

True/False/Uncertain (explain): A biased estimator should never be used by an econometrician.

A range containing the true value of an item in a specific percentage of time?

Run a regression using the dependent variable HOURS (Hours worked per year) and the independent variables PAY (hourly pay) , SNLINC12 (spouse's income), and DMAR ( if currently married) plus (at least) one more of the following DNMAR = Dummy variable ( if never married) KIDS = Number of children under age 18 in the household DBLACK = Dummy variable ( if Black) DHS = Dummy variable ( if graduated from high school) DCOL = Dummy variable ( if earned a college degree) GRADE = Years of schooling completed Interpret the output and compare it to the "baseline" regression (output provided) What happened to the R 2 ? What does this mean? What is the impact of the variable you added? Is it statistically significant? Explain your answer in a sentence or two. Did this affect the output from the "baseline" regression?

Hi, I need help with this assignment to start. Can someone please help meto start this assignment. Thanks Selected a portfolio of five stocks and review their performance. Use the information on the importance of stock performance in attracting investment capital for companies, guidelines for making stock investment decisions, your investment objectives for your stocks, and the stock performance data as the basis for your Final Paper. 150 word that addresses the following: Should include: A summary of the importance of stock performance in attracting investment capital for companies. Your summary of the guidelines used for making stock investment decisions. Your investment objective for each of your five stocks. Your initial prediction of what you predicted would be the best and worst performing stocks (as viewed in the first week of class), and the actual performance at the end of four weeks. Be sure to include a table that shows your initial performance ranking (from 1 to 5) and the final performance ranking for each stock. A summary of the performance of each of your stocks during the four-week study period. The reasons for the four-week performance of each of your stocks. Your predictions for future performance of each of your stocks. Your list of references used to prepare your report.

What are (a) K, (b) E, and (c) p (in GeV/c) for a proton moving at speed 0.990c? What are (d) K, (e) E, and (f) p (in MeV/c) for an electron moving at speed 0.990c?

What is the major source of variation in Error Term?

are these answers correct? i got an assignment similar to this, wondering if it's an answer sheet or a student's answer.

"High multicollinearity affects standard errors of estimated coefficients and therefore estimates are not efficient" Is this statement valid? If yes, cite what assumptions and properties enable you to agree with this statement. If not, explain why not.

This is a University level (not advanced thou) econometrics 2100 level This is a question i will also post a picture, please do this for me in full answer please please :( 1. Consider an estimated model with 45 observations and 3 independent variables.If the Durban Watson statistic is d = .478Test for first order autocorrelation.State the null and alternative hypotheses.(At the 5% level dL= 1.38 and dU = 1.67) 2. Consider an estimated model with 50 observations and 2 independent variables.The Durban Watson statistic is d = 2.17Test for first order autocorrelation.State the null and alternative hypotheses.(At 5% level dL = 1.46 and dU = 1.63) 3. Suppose the following auxiliary equations is estimated on observations 4 to 40et = 2.34 + .054 X1 + 2.33 X2 - .012 et-1 -.430 et-2 - 1.40et-3 R2= .25 Carry out a LM test for Higher order Autocorrelation at the 5% level.

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