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Homework Help for Java Programming

I need help with the following project, could you help me out? http://web.cse.ohio-state.edu/cse1223/currentsem/projects/CSE1223Project07.html

http://web.cse.ohio-state.edu/cse1223/currentsem/homeworks/CSE1223HW07.html Please help with this Java project. Thanks

(Different languages) Create a GUI program that displays the text "Hello." Create a dropdown list to select the language the text is displayed in. Use English, German, French, and Italian as the languages. Use resource bundles that contain the text to display in different languages.

Assignment 07 - Communicating between Classes - Round 3What will be assessed Communication between classes. Deliverables app.java, myJFrame.java myJPanel.java myJPanel1.java myJPanel2.java student.java as requested below. Contents You are required to use my java files that are on the Angel folder assignment 07 or here. It is the same assignment as last week's. There only one version of a student, which you will need to create in myJPanel.java. Student information is shown in the upper button (in myJPanel1). When the user clicks on the upper button in myJPanel1, then WhatsUp() is shown the lower button (in myJPanel2). The difference here is that you are required to: do everything the in the main panel, myJPanel.java No changes in myJPanel1.java No changes in myJPanel2.java Therefore: A lot of changes in myJPanel I attached Assignment 06 solution as example.

Project 3: Implement the Pig Game . . . Requirements: An abstract class called Player.java: This class will be an abstract class. In other words, you cannot call "new" against it. It is the parent class of two others: Human.java and Computer.java. Both Human.java and Computer.java will use the data and methods from Player.java and MUST implement a method called beAPig, public abstract boolean beAPig(int roll_value); where roll_value is the current sum of the two die. which will return true or false based on the following rules: if the player is a computer, the beAPig function will return false for the following conditions: 1. the roll is 2: the game and total scores are set to 0 2. the roll contains a die with a "1" value, in the case the score for the turn is set to 0 3. if the current turn score is > 20 (let the human play!) 4. if the current total scores is 100 or greater (the computer wins). in all other cases, the computer will return true. If the player is the human, the beAPig function will retrn false for the following conditions: 1. the roll is 2: the game and total scores are set to 0 2. the roll contains a die with a "1" value, in the case the score for the turn is set to 0 The idea is as long as beAPig returns true, the current player can play. Also, Player.java should manage the data and methods for each player. So Player.java should have the data to keep track of the total score for the player, the score for the current turn, and the name of the player ("computer" or "human"). Of course, Player.java will have methdos to update the scores, return the score values, set and return the players name. So, the inheritance tree will look something like this: +----- Player. java ------+ | | | | Human.java Computer.java There should be another file called Game.java. Game.java will manage the game play. It will do the following: 1. create the two players: "computer" and "human" 2. use the PigDice class to roll the dice (PigDice only has the roll method) 3. if the beAPig method returns true, the current player may (if the current player is human) or will (if the current player is the computer) keep on playing. 4. Implements a method to switch players. 5. Game.java will drive the PigPanel.java behavior. Since we are now playing a game, the Game.java class will be the driver. So, all of the things PigDicereturned will now come from Game.java. Things like get the result of a roll, the ImageIcons of the die, and so forth. Note: Game.java is how PigPanel.java will get and set the game play.PigPanel.java should NOT instantiate and call the methods from the Human.java or Computer.java. The game play must come from Game.java. HINT HINT HINT: you can use polymorphism in Game.java to manage the players: private Player p1, p2, currentPlayer; p1 = new Human("Human)"; . . . We can do this because Human and Computer ARE players . . . Using the above may make your life easier . . . but it is not a requirement. PigPanel.java will change in the following ways: 1. No calls to PigDice.java . . . PigDice will be called and used by Game.java 2. Buttons: along with a Roll button, there must be a button for the human to give up his turn (the computer doesn't have one at the computer's play is programmatically controlled). 3. New messages aka JLabels ("you've won!", "your turn is over", etc.) 4. NOTE! you can set buttons visible(true or false) to "hide" buttons.

What will you learn Create complex classes. Further practice with the DOT notation. Deliverables group.java, app.java and student.java as requested below. Contents Create an application that Creates 4 students Build upon the solutions of the previous labs (e.g., using app.java and student.java) You will need a version of student.java that has a working whatsup( ) method Creates a group First you have to design the new Java class called group A group has a name A group has 4 students Create a method in group.java that displays the group name and the name of each student in the group in app.java using a method in group.java from app.java, display information about what the third student in the group (retrieving information from the student in the group, not from student in the app) is up to now. For instance: "John" is "doing Java" Pay attention, you have to use a method in group.java Suggestions: Start by creating a class called group with only one attribute, GROUP_NAME Make it work, using the app to display only the group name Then you think how to add the students to the group (this is tricky..., but that's what you have to learn with this lab)

What will be assessed If you know how to work with classes within classes. If you know how to use the DOT operation/notation. Deliverables app.java, student.java and group.java as requested below. Contents Based on the solution for lab 3 · app.java · student.java · group.java create an application that displays the participation of a group. Participation of a group is the sum of all the students participation. Participation is an int number that varies from 1 to 10. - 1 meaning very little participation - 10 meaning great participation For instance, when the method is called we may have student member #1 John with a participation of 3, student #2 Mary with a participation of 10 and student #3 Fred with a participation of 5, which will give a participation of (3 + 10 + 5 = 18) Student's participation should be calculated using - a method in student.java - this method will use a random number (in a similar fashion of whatsUp()) to return the participation. Suggested roadmap: · You will need a new method called participation in student.java · Start by copying the whatsUp method in student.java to create a participation method in student.java. · Make the necessary adjustments for it to return a number (it can be an int number from 1 to 10) · Then work on a participation method on group.java gathering participation from each student in the group · In the app.java create students and create a group (from previous labs and assignments), and then display the group participation.

JAVA Lab 9 - The student button (Ways to increase functionality of a class) Deliverables - a paragraph explaining why this is useful for the final project app.java, myJFrame.java, myJPanel.java, student.java Contents The evil Dr. Fred is trying to persuade a poor IST240 student to transform himself into a JButton. Will he succeed? Your job for this week is to: • write a paragraph explaining why it would be useful for the final project to have a student (or any other creature) being a JButton • Explain how is it possible to be done • Implement an example in Java • Use the Java file zip link here https://www.dropbox.com/s/ui7l7acjy3n6d0t/Lab09_InitialFiles.zip?dl=0 I want the student (student.java) to act graphically. After you make the changes to the original student.java class, you should be able to use statements that are normally used with a regular JButton. For instance: • student st1 = new student("fred","fonseca", 22); • add(st1); • st1.setBackgound(Color.blue); • HINTS: Stare at the student.java code for one minute. Then repeat to yourself 10 times: "How can a make this student BE a button?" In student.java you are going to make simple but powerful changes.

Lab 09 Java Lab 9 - The student button What will you learn Ways to increase functionality of a class Deliverables - a paragraph explaining why this is useful for the final project app.java, myJFrame.java, myJPanel.java, student.java Contents The evil Dr. Fred is trying to persuade a poor IST240 student to transform himself into a JButton. Will he succeed? Your job for this week is to: write a paragraph explaining why it would be useful for the final project to have a student (or any other creature) being a JButton Explain how is it possible to be done Implement an example in Java Use the Java files on the Lab 09 Angel folder * I want the student (student.java) to act graphically. After you make the changes to the original student.java class, you should be able to use statements that are normally used with a regular JButton. For instance: student st1 = new student("fred","fonseca", 22); add(st1); st1.setBackgound(Color.blue); HINTS: Stare at the student.java code for one minute. Then repeat to yourself 10 times: "How can I make this student BE a button?" In student.java you are going to make simple but powerful changes.

Java Lab 6 - Tracking Buttons What will you learn - basic button tracking - communication between classes Deliverables Updated files for app6.java, myJFrame6.java, myJPanel6.java, student.java Contents Based on the files available here or on the Angel folder Lab6 (app6.java, myJFrame6.java, myJPanel6.java, student.java) · Create a solution that tracks the use of the button #1 (student's name) · Every time a user clicks on the first button (the button with the student's name), you show a different what'sUp. · do it in 2 parts 1. just show the what's up as a text I have attached 2 files one zip with my files and a screenshot of an example of how it it suppose to look. I have a folder in my program with three pictures as well for when you click on the students name a picture comes up with the text of what the picture is saying.

Create the following Java command line inheritance application. Create the following project Java files: Point.java, Shape.java, Circle.java, Triangle.java, Rectangle.java, and Lab4.java Point.java will contain two coordinates x and y. This will be reused to create point objects for all the shapes. Shape.java will be a parent class and will contain a Point type. Circle.java, Triangle.java, Rectangle.java will all be children of Shapes.java class Each class (Circle, Triangle, Rectangle) will contain the private class x and y point type variables needed to draw the shape. Each class (Circle, Triangle, Rectangle) will contain two constructor methodsconstructor no input arguments but will set (hardcoded) the private point variables needed to represent the shape. It will also print out the shape type and the points set for that shape. constructor the number of point type arguments needed to set the private point variables needed to represent the shape. It will also print out the shape type and the points set for that shape. Lab4.java will be the starting point for running the program Lab4.java will create three objects one from the Circle class, one from Triangle class, and one from Rectangle class. Each class will perform two calls: Call 1. no input argument constructor that shows the points of that shape Call 2. containing hardcoded point values that show the points of that shape

Step 1. Modify the existing program so that the first thing the machine player attempts to do is block an immediate winning move by the human player. If the machine player detects that no such move exists, then a random move should be made as before. Step 2. Modify the program again, so that instead of the random move above, if the machine has a clever move to make, the machine makes that move. A clever move is one where no matter where the human player moves, the machine can win on the following move. If no clever move is possible, then a random move should be made as above

Need solution for this assignment! I would be really grateful if you help me with this!

Hello, I need answer for Program 3 and Lab 4 questions

i need help with this java programming task. in the files attached is a board for a maze game, and i need help converting that text file into a 2 dimensional array

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