1 . Introduction
2 . Basics
Find the Majority Element in a List
Sum of Largest and Smallest Element
Sum Of Every Element in a List
Insert Element at the End of the List
Merge Two Lists
Reverse a List
Check Whether the String is a Palindrome or Not
Remove Vowels From a String
The Number of Vowels and Consonants
Find the Length of the String Without the len() Function
Multiply Strings as Integers
The Number of Capital Letters in the String
Convert a List Into a Set
Convert a List Into a String
List Comprehension
Increase Values in a Dictionary
Add Any Number of Parameters
Give Discount
Middle Letter
Uppercase Letters in a String
Sorted Words in a String
Before and After
3 . Intermediate
Find Duplicate Elements in the List
Find a Missing Number From a List
Find the Second-Largest Number in a List
Letters of a Word in a List
Reverse a String Word by Word
Length of the Last Word in a String
Check Whether Two Strings are Anagrams
Remove Duplicate Characters in the String
Alphabets, Digits, and Symbols in a String
Break a List Into Chunks
Sum of Odd Factors
Same Subsequent Characters
Move Zeros to End
Convert snake_case to PascalCase
4 . Advanced
Thousand Separator
Sorted Alphabets and Sum of Integers
Permutation of a String
Bulls and Cows Problem
Minimum Characters to Make a String a Palindrome
Smallest Missing Integer
kth Largest Element in a List
First and Last Index of Target Element
Sum of Two Elements
Increase Number Represented by List Elements
Secret Message
5 . Theory Questions
Python is a Weakly-Typed Language
Application Areas of Python
Lambda Functions
List Comprehension
Lists, Tuples, and Sets
*args and **kwargs
Python is an Interpreted Language
Python Inheritance
__init__ in Python
Read Content of a File
Python Slicing
== Operator and is Keyword
self in Python
Python Code Blocks
Python Iterators
Python Generators
Python Closures
Python Decorators
Python Docstrings
and, or & not Operators
Type Casting
main() Function in Python
super() in Python
any() and all() in Python
append() vs. extend() Methods
Multiline Comments
Negative Indexing
Multiple Inheritance in Python
6 . Python Coding Challenges