1 . Introduction
2 . Sorting Algorithms
Bubble Sort
Selection Sort
Insertion Sort
Merge Sort
Quick Sort
Counting Sort
3 . Search Algorithms
Search Algorithms
Linear Search
Binary Search
4 . Linked List
Linked List
Linked List Operations
Examples: Linked List
5 . Circular Linked List
Introduction to Circular Linked List
Circular Linked List Operations
Examples: Circular Linked List
6 . Doubly Linked List
Introduction to Doubly Linked List
Doubly Linked List Operations
Examples: Doubly Linked List
7 . Stacks and Queue
Drawbacks of Linear Queues
Circular Queue
Double Ended Queue (Deque)
8 . Hashing
Introduction to Hashing
Hashing Techniques
Hash Collision
Hash Collision Resolution
Hash Functions
Additional Topics
9 . String Matching Algorithm
Brute Force Method
Rabin-Karp String Matching Algorithm
KMP Algorithm
10 . Tree Data Structure
Non-linear Data Structure
Tree Data Structure
Implementation of Trees
Tree Traversal
11 . Binary Tree
Introduction to Binary Trees
Properties of Binary Trees
Implementation of Binary Trees
Traversal of Binary Tree
Types of Binary Trees
Example: Huffman Coding
Example: Binary Search Tree
12 . Heaps
Array Representation of Binary Tree
Introduction to Heaps
Heap Operations
Heap Sort
Heap as a Priority Queue
13 . Graph Data Structure
Graph Data Structure
Graph Terminologies
Adjacency Matrix
Adjacency List
Graph Traversal With DFS Algorithm
BFS Algorithm
14 . Relationships in a Graph
Graph Connectivity
Touring a Graph
Graph Comparisons and Special Properties
Types of Graph
15 . Graph Based Algorithms
Graph Based Algorithms
Topological Sorting
Dijkstra's Algorithm
Bellman Ford's Algorithm
Ford Fulkerson Algorithm
Spanning Trees
Kruskal's Algorithm
Prim's Algorithm
16 . Greedy Algorithms
Introduction to Greedy Algorithms
The Classroom Scheduling Problem
Coin Change Problem
The Fractional Knapsack Problem
0-1 Knapsack Problem
17 . Sorting (II)
Additional Sorting Techniques
Bucket Sort
Radix Sort
Shell Sort
18 . Balanced Trees
Introduction to Balanced Trees
AVL Trees
Red-Black Trees
19 . What's Next?