IBPS SO PRE-IT OFFICER free mock tests & Online Test series are designed by the experts after thorough research of previous year papers and the latest exam pattern. These tests are prepared with in-depth analysis of question level and syllabus. It will help you in improving the weak sections to score better marks in the IBPS SO PRE-IT OFFICER.
About IBPS SO Pre-IT Officer Exam
The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection conducts the Specialist Officer Exam to recruit eligible candidates for various posts. The selected candidate for the post of IBPS SO Pre-IT Officer is responsible for maintaining the servers, databases of banks, and other networking systems.
Interested candidates who would like to appear for the IBPS SO Pre-IT Officer Exam need to fulfil the following criteria-
- Is of Indian nationality
- Is within the age limit of 20-30 years
- Has a degree in engineering/ technical degree in Computer Science/ IT/ Computer Application/ Electronics and Communication Engineering/ Electronics and Telecommunication/ Electronics and Instrumentation, or Graduates who have passed DOEACC ‘B’ Level Exam
Exam Pattern
The IBPS SO IT Officer Exam is held in three phases-
- Preliminary Exam
- Mains Exam
- Interview
Syllabus and Weightage
The IBPS SO Pre-IT Officer Exam syllabus is as follows-
- Reasoning- 50 questions, 50 marks, 40 minutes
- English Language- 50 questions, 25 marks, 40 minutes
- Quantitative Aptitude- 50 questions, 20 marks, 40 minutes
Edureify It For IBPS SO Pre-IT Officer Exam
Edureify understands the need for good study materials when appearing for such crucial exams. With our best preparatory materials like notes, lectures, and even one-on-one doubt-solving sessions, an aspirant will have the best preparation for the IBPS SO Pre-IT Officer Exam from the comfort of their homes. In order to have the desired outcome of your exam, study along with Edureify.